
Preparation and materials for CKAD exam by @AlohaYo

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Preparation and materials for CKAD exam. @AlohaYo

Bookmarks (Chrome)

CKAD - Chrome Bookmarks

Just import the bookmarks, type the resource name will help you quickly guide to the page.


Online Material

Kubectl Commands

Important sample pages to be used in exam

Offical doc explains the concepts of resources, but it’s not what you need in exam. (If you need them in exam, you are really poor prepared.)

What’s really useful is the sampl YAML files for some resources. They are useful. Just find and copy them to your exam will make you easy to pass.

Important alias/variable before exam

alias k=kubectl                         # will already be pre-configured

export do="--dry-run=client -o yaml"    # k create deploy nginx --image=nginx $do

export now="--grace-period=0 --force"   # k delete pod <pod_name> $now


Knowledge point


Real Questions

Steps to prepare exam

  1. Purchase exam

    • Couse is not necessary. Or I’ll say, it’s good, but emmm, not helpful.
    • In 2022, our company’s exchange rate is around 7.0.

      If the USD/RMB rate is under 7.0, you can purchase in USD with your Visa/Mastercard.

      Otherwise, purchase it on Chinese site with RMB. 🤣

  2. Take courses Take at least one of the options below as your course should all be good enough:

    a. Purchase the course with CKAD exam as bundle Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 5 24 31 PM
    b. Enroll the KodeKloud course (free trial in 7 days or purchase) Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 5 25 09 PM
    c. Take the course on Udemy (Same teacher with KodeKloud. Cheaper than paid KodeKloud?) Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 5 27 07 PM

    d. Just read Definitely enough if you read all!

  3. Practice important

    CKAD bundled course has no environment. 😥

    You need to setup your own environment on:

    KodeKloud/Udemy course does. That’s helpful. RECOMMENDED

    PS: Please get used to type k instead of kubectl during practice. It helps your exam. Absolutely!

  4. Review

    • Quick browse through the Github repo CKAD exercises to check if you missed some points.
    • Mark down all the official pages with useful YAML sample. (Remember the keyword to search them out)
    • Take more courses if you have enough time.
    • Challenge yourself:
  5. Simulate

    Your CKAD exam (use your Linux Foundation) gives you 2 chances to simulate on Kill Shell. Each chance contains:

    • 2-hour test
    • 24-hour environment for reviewing your test results and answers

    TIPS: a. The simulator is HELPFUL. Take it.

    b. The simulator is hard. It’s difficult to finish it in 2-hour first time. Just take it easy and try your best.

    c. Review and understand each problem and answers after you finish it. No matter how long you take.

    d. The second chance is the same question with the first.

    You can reserve it the day before you take the real test. And try to finish it as fast as possible.

    (Just practice your speed.)

Steps to pass the exam

Once you learned the course and finished the courses, the exam is not hard. I mean it’s definitely different to conquer all problems but your goal is passing the exam (66% is good). That’s easy with your preparation and “Time Management” and Give Up

Sample course page (outdated)
  1. Open terminal, test kubectl and setup shell alias immediately.
  2. Open the browser in Linux remote desktop (not web terminal anymore), navigate to Put your browser and terminal easy to switch.
  3. Now begin your problems
  4. Read the task, if the task is really long, or it contains some resources you are not familiar (e.g. CRD), just mark it and skip it.
  5. For the task you do not skip, copy the kubectl config use-context xxx command and run it immediately.

    It’s important to switch context for each question.

  6. Also remember the namespace.

    Always run k -n <namespace> <command> when you practice.

  7. Each question has a “task weight”, and it actually has sub-tasks. Don’t forget the easy sub-tasks. They are your values!

    (e.g. copy your yaml file after you create resources)

  8. Always use k instead of kubectl. It saves a lot of time. A 7-character word could be hit typo a lot of times. 🫢
    • For creating a pod, use k run.
    • For creating a simple resource like configmap, secret, use k create configmap question-10 --from-literal=foo=bar
    • For creating complicated resources, create YAML file first, then k apply -f xxx.yaml or k create -f xxx.yaml
    • To create yaml, use the dry-run alias if create yaml template (pod, deployment, etc): kubectl create deployment --image=nginx question-12 $do
    • Or copy the yaml template from k8s docs, e.g. pv, pvc, netpol, ingress, egress, etc.
    • Make good use of VIM shortcuts. e.g. Turn a job’s yaml to a cronjob, use :m,n> to indent the job’s template to jobTemplate:
       apiVersion: batch/v1
       kind: Job
         name: hello
             - name: hello
               image: busybox:1.28
               imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
               - /bin/sh
               - -c
               - date; echo Hello from the Kubernetes cluster
             restartPolicy: OnFailure
      • Type :5,15>> in command mode.
      • Insert the cronjob definitions in the line 5: ```yaml spec: schedule: “* * * * *” jobTemplate:
       apiVersion: batch/v1
       kind: CronJob
         name: world
         schedule: "* * * * *"
                 - name: hello
                   image: busybox:1.28
                   imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
                   - /bin/sh
                   - -c
                   - date; echo Hello from the Kubernetes cluster
                 restartPolicy: OnFailure
    • Use VIM command to modify the YAML from sample or dry-run: e.g. Create a network policy with 2 egress rules: Find the NetworkPolicy sample on k8s doc:
      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: test-network-policy
        namespace: default
            role: db
          - Ingress
          - Egress
          - from:
              - ipBlock:
              - namespaceSelector:
                    project: myproject
              - podSelector:
                    role: frontend
              - protocol: TCP
                port: 6379
          - to:
              - ipBlock:
              - protocol: TCP
                port: 5978
      • Cut the ingress section off by moving cursor to ingress line.
      • Type command 15dd directly.
      • Move cursor to to: line to copy the egress.
      • Type command 6yy.
      • Move the the end line, type p.
      • Finally modify ipBlock and port. You got this: ```yaml apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: test-network-policy namespace: default spec: podSelector: matchLabels: role: db policyTypes:
        • Ingress
        • Egress egress:
        • to:
          • ipBlock: cidr: ports:
          • protocol: TCP port: 5978
        • to:
          • ipBlock: cidr: ports:
          • protocol: TCP port: 8080
